In a groundbreaking decision, the government of the Principality of Liechtenstein has for the first time submitted an application to parliament for public funding for the Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra, which has been 95% privately financed to date.
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In a press release, the orchestra writes: „This is an important cultural policy signal, especially against the backdrop of a global decline in funding for orchestras and cultural institutions. Here, the Principality’s government recognizes in an exemplary manner that culture, and orchestras in particular, are not only of essential importance as cultural and social drivers and ambassadors, but also exert a significant influence on a region as an extremely important economic and location-related factor. This is a signal that should be sent out into the world more strongly these days. By supporting the orchestra with 25% of the total annual expenditure, the state also achieves a considerable impact for comparatively little financial outlay.”
Since its foundation in 1988, the Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra has built up an outstanding reputation on the international music scene. With innovative concerts and as host of the International Classical Music Awards 2021, it has aroused enthusiasm worldwide.