The annual Cultural Management Academy (CMA) is a series of events for professionals dedicated to supporting capacity development, sustainability, and organisers of regional cultural life in order to strengthen national and international cooperation within the sector.
Cultural project managers from Romania, Greece and Hungary visited Veszprém this September to take part in the second session of the three-stage Culture Management Academy 2023 in the City of Queens.
Participants came from Timisoara, Elefsina and the Veszprém-Balaton region to learn how to create a sustainable programme in the long term, even after the ECoC year. At the meeting in Veszprém, they had the opportunity to learn from international and Hungarian experts, project managers and to hear about good practices and experiences. They also heard about resource awareness and networking, and the benefits of thinking creatively together.
The organisers of the Academy, with the help of speakers and participants, explored how the practices and knowledge acquired during the ECoC preparation years can be passed on after the European Capital of Culture year. They also sought answers to questions such as How to mobilise alternative resources? How can we link our existing networks of contacts? How can we sustain the successful cultural practices of the independent small communities after the ECoC year?
The participants tried to find answers to these questions not only in theory, but also through working examples.
The speakers at the Veszprém event included experienced speakers such as Nadja Grizzo, who is trying to pass on her experience from the Essen/RUHR.2010 ECoC project to future Capitals of Culture. Christophe Turon-Trommenschlager, who joined the Lille team in 2004, has been able to share his experience in the field of cultural sustainability over the years. Anna Isola from the Hangvető team shared her knowledge of the Balkan MOST project on event management and implementation. At the request of the Cervantes Institute, Júlia Mihályfy spoke about her experience in project management and presented practical tools. Representatives of local organisations were also present, and we welcomed as speakers Sándor Komáromi, founder of the Pannon Theatre School, PASZTA, who is trying to bring a new approach to acting methodology, and Panna Szénási from the DEMO team, who wants to introduce children to their city through the STAMP project. And Mónika Jelinkó and Ildikó Rózsás led an interactive workshop to help participants identify their best skills and the strengths of their projects and organisations.
The curators of this year’s CMA sessions, including the one in Veszprém, came from the three 2023 ECoC cities: Angeliki Lampiri, the Director of Cultural Training at 2023 Eleusis and she is the manager for the international relations and European projects of the Greek ECoC team, as well. She is responsible for several projects focusing on capacity building and networking. Alex Boca, Curator and Cultural Manager of Timișoara 2023 ECoC, is a practising philosopher and visual artist. Krisztina Forró, Senior Project Manager of Veszprém-Balaton 2023 ECoC. Her main responsibilities include capacity building and long-term community building with a focus on horizontal objectives.
The 2023 CMA season was initiated by the EUNIC Romania cluster with the support of the Hungarian and Greek EUNIC organisations and the three 2023 European Capital of Cultures.